– FLASOG Distinguidas personalidades de la mesa de honor.Amigas y amigos, todos. Agradezco vivamente la oportunidad que el Comité Organizador de la Primera Cumbre Iberoamericana de Anticoncepción, Salud Sexual y Reproductiva, por la petición que me han hecho de dirigir unas palabras en esta ceremonia inaugural. Quiero que sean, naturalmente palabras de salutación y bienvenida […]
– DR. ANTONIO PERALTA SÁNCHEZMÉXICO In my profession as a Gynecologist and Sexologist for so many years, I have been able to see stories from the first page, the outcome, the end and the epilogue; most of the time with the certainty that I was able to contribute some element that would make life peaceful, and […]
– DR. RUBÉN DARÍO MORAFORMER ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTOR OF FLASOG Since the beginning of the existence of humanity, it has been characterized by living in community and staying in communication. This is how we humans have the tendency to group together to live together and maintain the things of our relationships in common. As the towns and cities […]
– PÍO IVÁN GÓMEZ SÁNCHEZ MD, MSC, FACOG FULLPROFESSOR NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF COLOMBIASENIOR MEDICAL ADVISOR IPPF/WHR Our region, in which more than 20 million women have unmet demand for contraception, has some of the most restrictive abortion laws in the world and 95% of abortions are unsafe, leading to maternal morbidity and mortality. Research has shown […]
– DR. JOSÉ ANTONIO MORENO SÁNCHEZPHYSICIAN GYNECO-OBSTETRICIANDEPUTY GENERAL DIRECTOR. COORDINATION OF FEDERAL REFERENCE HOSPITALS SECRETARIAT OF HEALTH. MEXICO The professional practice of the doctor requires permanent updating, in accordance with the advances in medicine, which as a science, implies innovation and creativity and research to find new medicines, treatments and diagnostic techniques that alleviate human pain, restore lost […]
-DR. JORGE MÉNDEZ TRUJEQUEVICE-PRESIDENT OF FLASOG We welcome all our readers in this first issue of 2019 of the FLASOG Newsletter. We hope to have your preference throughout this year, because we will continue working to make you aware of research and medical news, as well as health-related topics that are useful in your medical practice. Despite […]
-DR. JUAN DE DIOS MALDONADO ALVARADO PRESIDENT FEMECOG Premature mortality, considered as a death between 30 and 70 years, due to non-communicable diseases continues to be a global problem. It is considered that 7 out of 10 people in the world die prematurely and the main cause is cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, cancer and chronic respiratory […]
It is satisfactory to record that the position held by FLASOG, of not accepting the proposal to reform the statutes, considering it a reform justified only in legal aspects and of economic benefit, which would transform FIGO into an autocratic entity, where the Member Societies would be limited to Respectful requests and not the demand […]
-DR. EDGAR IVÁN ORTIZ L. La reforma de estatutos que FIGO ha puesto en consideración de sus sociedades miembros, obliga a una profunda reflexión centrada en, si se justifica la figura de una organización sin fines de lucro (charity), para lograr un tratamiento impositivo menos oneroso en el Reino Unido y sacrificar los espacios de […]
-DR. ANTONIO PERALTA SANCHEZ MEXICO SWEET ever since she woke up she sensed that this day would be very different. The night passed with spasms and feelings of fear and anxiety; There were really few hours that she managed to keep her eyes closed, and always with that headache that from being so much, seems as if […]