of the Latin American Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology Societies
Modification of 12-12-2020
The Latin American Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology Societies (FLASOG) was founded in 1952, being founders the associations, societies and federations of Gynecology and Obstetrics of the following countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Cuba, Chile, El Salvador, Mexico , Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela.
It is currently made up of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, the Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela.
Article 1. The Latin American Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology Societies (FLASOG) is a non-profit institution, which brings together with representation by countries and in a regionalized manner the scientific institutions (Societies, Associations, Colleges and Federations) that in Latin America are devoted to the specialties of Obstetrics and Gynecology and have been integrated into FLASOG in accordance with the requirements of this Statute and the respective Regulation.
Sole paragraph: FLASOG may also incorporate other national scientific federations, societies and associations for scientific, educational, social or cultural exchange. Their rights, duties and other conditions are specified later in this Statute and its Regulations.
Article 2 : FLASOG will be made up of the following categories of members:
1. Affiliates
2. Adherents
Article 3. Affiliate Members : are the national Associations, Colleges, Federations and Societies, with equal rights and obligations that group together the medical specialists in Obstetrics and Gynecology from each Latin American country.
Article 4: Adherent Members : are the Associations, Colleges, Federations and International Societies linked to Obstetrics and Gynecology in its various areas and subspecialties that meet the scientific, educational and social conditions to join the important activities of FLASOG, after completing the entry requirements specified in Chapter III of this Statute.
Article 5. The FLASOG Headquarters is located in the country where the FLASOG Foundation has legal status.
Article 6. The objectives of FLASOG are:
- Integrate in a single group the medical institutions of Latin America dedicated to Obstetrics and Gynecology, at the rate of one per country.
- Comprehensively promote the health of women and the product of their conception, their well-being and their rights.
- Support the scientific, academic, educational, ethical, trade union and social legal progress of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
- Provide technical cooperation in each country, for the design, formulation and implementation of health policies for women and the product of their conception to governmental and non-governmental organizations.
- Integrate other national or international medical associations dedicated to the health of women and the product of their conception, which are considered useful for the achievement of the above objectives and meet the entry conditions detailed below.
Article 7. To achieve these objectives, the following actions will be carried out:
- Maintain and establish the necessary relationships with affiliated institutions, National and International Organizations, whether governmental or private, whose activities do not contravene the principles enshrined in this statute.
- Represent Latin America before international organizations in matters related to Gynecology and Obstetrics
- Promote scientific exchange between universities and related institutions in Latin America and the world, to promote international cooperation in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Disseminate and recommend lines of conduct to develop teaching and research methods, good medical practices and scientific reports through different means of dissemination.
- Promote the rights of women and promote community activities aimed at maintaining and strengthening their health.
- Organize Latin American Congresses of Obstetrics and Gynecology, post-graduate courses and scientific meetings that are considered useful for the progress of the specialty
- Support the international promotion of the National Congresses that are held in the affiliated countries.
- Promote in our affiliated institutions the use of existing centers dedicated to research and high-level training in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
- Support the creation of Specialty Councils in affiliated countries where they do not exist, for the Certification of all doctors who are part of the Societies that represent the country.
Article 8. For organizational purposes, FLASOG is divided into the northern zone and the southern zone:
- North Zone :It is divided into:
Mexico and Caribbean Region : made up of Cuba, Haiti, Mexico and the Dominican Republic
Central American Region : made up of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama
- South Zone : It is divided into:
Andean Region: made up of Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela
Southern Cone Region: integrated by Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay
Article 9. The institution that wishes to join FLASOG as an Affiliate member must meet the following requirements:
- The Obstetrics and Gynecology group must have been founded through a Constitutive Act recognized before a Notary Public or equivalent legal procedure, depending on the country to which they belong.
- Have in their records a number of members of no less than 50, in the case of Societies, Associations or Colleges and for Federations with a total number of members of no less than 100 and no less than five Societies, Associations or Colleges affiliated to the same.
- Have accredited development of regular scientific activities for a minimum period of three continuous years for Societies, Associations, Colleges or Federations.
- Be governed by its own Statute and that none of its articles oppose this Statute.
- Submit to the procedure stipulated in the FLASOG Regulations .
- In case there are two or more requests from a country, this right will have the oldest one in its foundation. Two institutions from the same country will not be allowed.
- Be Accepted at a FLASOG Assembly Meeting.
First paragraph : It will be integrated according to the geographical region indicated in Article 8.
Paragraph two: All Affiliated Institutions that currently make up FLASOG have absolute priority of said representation, and cannot be replaced by another institution from the same country, unless there is an express request from the Society, Association or Federation that currently exercises said right and which must be presented to the Executive Committee of FLASOG, which after its analysis and if applicable, will submit it to the Ordinary Meeting of the Assembly, for the rejection or approval of said request.
Article 10: For the entry of Adherent members , the Executive Committee will analyze and evaluate the institutions, associations or international federations, which in the interest of FLASOG or on their own initiative, express their desire to enter under said category. You must meet the requirements of Affiliate members in points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, of Article 9 of this Statute.
First paragraph : all income to be approved by the Executive Committee must have a Twinning Agreement previously analyzed and adapted between the parties.
Second paragraph : if an income is approved by the Executive Committee, it must take the proposal to the next Meeting of the Assembly for its consideration and final approval.
Third paragraph : the Agreement must be signed by the Presidents of both institutions.
Fourth paragraph : in the event that there are two or more requests for the same specialty or subspecialty, this right will be held by the oldest in its foundation. Two institutions of similar activity will not be allowed.
Article 11. Rights of Affiliate members :
- Attend the FLASOG Assembly Meetings, with voice and vote.
- Apply and apply to host FLASOG congresses.
- Nominate candidates to integrate the Executive Committee, commissions, committees and working groups.
Article 12. Of the Duties of the members Affiliated to FLASOG :
- Inform the Executive Committee periodically in accordance with the Regulations, about their academic activities and their scientific production published in specialty journals.
- Pay annually to the FLASOG Treasury according to the number of affiliated people. The amount will be proposed by the Executive Committee and approved by the Assembly in Ordinary or Extraordinary Meeting.
- Attend the FLASOG Congress.
Article 13 Of the Rights of the Adherent members:
1. Attend the FLASOG Assembly Meetings with the right to speak.
2. Apply to the Executive Committee: speakers, symposiums or any other activity that could be relevant for Congresses or other FLASOG activities. If the Executive Committee finds it convenient, it will pass it to the Scientific Committee for consideration.
3. Request the Executive Committee the endorsement of FLASOG for academic activities of the Member Adherent. In each case, the Executive Committee will consider the possibility of applying a fixed or percentage cost of the income of the event for which the guarantee has been requested.
Sole paragraph : they may not elect or be elected to the Executive Committee, nor hold positions of Coordinators of the FLASOG Committees, nor assume the Representation of FLASOG at the National or International level.
Article 14 . Of the Duties of the Adherent members:
1. Pay annually to the FLASOG Treasury a fixed membership equivalent to the fee of 100 members, at a unit cost similar to that paid by Affiliate members.
2. Attend the FLASOG Congress.
3. Comply with the commitments established in the Statute and Regulations of FLASOG, as well as with the Agreement of Twinning signed between the parties.
Article 15. The membership of Affiliate or Adherent member of FLASOG is lost :
- By written resignation sent to the Executive Committee.
- By decision of the Assembly taken based on the report of the Executive Committee, approved by two thirds of the votes of the Assembly. Philosophical, political or religious reasons may not be involved in such report and decision.
Article 16. The FLASOG Authorities are:
1. The Assembly
2. The Executive Committee
Article 17. The Assembly is the highest authority of FLASOG and its resolutions can only be revoked by another Meeting of the Assembly. It is in charge of guiding the general policy of FLASOG, promoting its progress, learning about and resolving issues and transcendent problems of it, monitoring the validity and compliance with the Statute and the Regulations. Its installation, development and voting will be done as follows:
1. To declare a quorum, it must have the presence of half plus one of the official delegates and also half plus one of the Affiliated institutions that have complied with the duties of Art. 12 of the Statute and are in full enjoyment of rights.
2. The Executive Committee does not have the right to vote.
3. In the event of a tie, voting will continue until one of the motions achieves a simple majority.
Article 18. Type of Meeting . The Assembly as an organ of FLASOG can meet in the following ways:
1. Ordinary
2. Extraordinary.
Article 19. Ordinary Meeting of the Assembly
- It takes place during the Latin American Congresses of Obstetrics and Gynecology, taking from these their ordinal numbering, prior convening of the Executive Committee.
- It is made up of official delegates of the Affiliate members. The number of delegates will be determined by the number of partners declared by the respective Institution to the Treasury at the time of payment of annual fees.
- The delegates to the Assembly will be assigned according to the members registered by each institution, as described below:
No. of delegate members
50-150 1
151-250 2
251-350 3
351-450 4
451-550 5
551-1,550 6
1551-2550 7
2,551-3,550 8
3,551- 4,550 9
4,551 or more 10
- The Presidency and direction of debates of the Assembly corresponds to the President of FLASOG.
- Proposals presented at the Assembly will be considered approved when the corresponding motion obtains a simple majority vote of the delegates present at the time of voting. Except for motions for which the Statute or Regulations expressly establish that they must be approved by 2 thirds of those present at the time of voting.
- Once approved, they will be mandatory for all FLASOG members.
- The call with the agenda for the Ordinary Meeting of the Assembly must be sent to the President of each Affiliated and Adherent institution, at least ninety (90) calendar days before the date set for the Assembly Meeting.
First paragraph: To review the credentials of the delegates and prepare the installation of the Assembly, a Powers Commission will be appointed and a Preliminary Session will be held. Which is specified in detail in the Regulations of this Statute.
Second paragraph : Adherent members will have a representative with the right to speak.
Third paragraph : for those Affiliate countries that for different reasons decide to reduce the number of partners declared before the FLASOG Treasury, the lower number declared in the last three years will be taken into consideration, for the allocation of delegates to the Assembly.
Article 20. The following points are obligations of the Ordinary Meeting of the Assembly:
- Approve the minutes of the previous Meetings of the Assembly (Ordinary and Extraordinary).
- Know, discuss and vote on the Report of the Executive Committee.
- Know, discuss and vote on the administrative and financial report of the outgoing management.
- Choose from among its member countries the main venue and the alternate one where the subsequent Latin American Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology will be held.
- Consider and ratify the venue for the next Congress and its alternate venue.
- Consider and confirm the Latin American Masters of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
- Elect the members of the Executive Committee.
- Elect the Members of the Scientific Committee corresponding to the 3 (Three) Regions that are not involved in the Organization of the next Congress, since it is up to the Host Country to propose the Member of the Scientific Committee, who in turn will represent the corresponding Region.
- The items on the Agenda will be detailed in the Regulations.
Article 21. The Extraordinary Meeting of the Assembly will have the following characteristics:
- It will have a single delegate that represents the total number of votes of the Affiliate member.
- It can be convened at the initiative of the Executive Committee when it deems it necessary or at the request of at least a third of the Affiliate member countries, presented by their Presidents. Applicants must state in writing, before the Executive Committee, the matter(s) they wish to discuss, duly substantiated.
- The time between the request or call and the celebration will not be greater than 90 continuous days when it is at the request of the Affiliate members. When the call emanates from the Executive Committee, it must be made at least 45 days in advance.
- Only the matters for which it was summoned will be dealt with.
- The first item on the agenda is to approve the minutes of the previous Extraordinary Meeting.
- Proposals presented at the Assembly will be considered approved when the corresponding motion obtains a simple majority vote of the delegates present at the time of voting. Except those that the Statute or Regulations expressly establish must be approved by 2 thirds of those present. Once approved, they will be mandatory for all FLASOG members.
Article 22. Of the Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is made up as follows:
President (following alternation of zone and region)
Vice President (from the same region as the President)
Secretary (may belong to any of the member countries)
Treasurer (may belong to any of the member countries)
Outgoing President
President Elect (to elect the president elect, the alternation of zone and region will be respected).
Sole paragraph : in none of the elective positions may remain for more than two consecutive periods occupying the same position.
Article 23. Of the nomination, election, swearing-in, start of exercise and substitutions of the Executive Committee.
- The election of the members of the Executive Committee will be individually
- The Executive Committee will be elected for a period of 3 years, by the Assembly in its Ordinary Meeting within the framework of the FLASOG Congress, the nomination and electoral system are specified in the Regulations.
- It is a requirement to apply for any of these positions to be an active member of an Affiliated institution, to be nominated by it, to have acted as an official delegate in at least one Meeting of the FLASOG Assembly and to prove background and experience in managerial functions in your Society. National.
- In the Closing Session of the Congress and as the last item on the agenda, the outgoing President swears in the President-Elect who is responsible for assuming his duties and immediately proceeds to swear in the rest of the incoming Executive Committee, who assume their duties at that time. The Regulation will detail the Protocol of said Session.
Article 24: Of the absences of the members of the Executive Committee.
In the event of circumstances that prevent the performance of their duties, the following shall proceed:
- The President will be replaced by the Vice President in temporary and permanent absences.
- The Vice President , in the face of different circumstances that prevent the temporary performance of his position, will be replaced by the Secretary without prejudice to his own functions.
- The Secretary and the Treasurer will temporarily replace each other, without prejudice to their own functions.
- The Outgoing President in circumstances that prevent the performance of his position, will be replaced by the Outgoing President of the previous management.
- The Elected President in different circumstances that prevent the performance of his position, if these are temporary, will be replaced by the Secretary without prejudice to his own functions and if they are definitive, an Extraordinary Meeting of the Assembly must be convened, to elect an Elected President in his replacement, which must belong to the same Zone and Region, as established in Article 22 of this Statute.
- When there are reasons that imply a definitive impossibility of exercising their functions for the Vice President or the Secretary or the Treasurer, an Extraordinary Meeting of the Assembly must be convened to elect their replacement(s), respecting for each position the requirements established in the FLASOG Statute and Regulations.
Article 25. Responsibilities of the Executive Committee
- Represent FLASOG in corresponding scientific, cultural, social, legal and administrative acts.
- Ensure compliance with the Statute and Regulations of FLASOG.
- Appoint the Executive Director, Scientific Director and Administrative Director of FLASOG. The Directors will participate in person at the meetings of the Executive Committee.
- Designate the administrative staff of the main headquarters of the Administrative Office that it considers necessary for the smooth running of FLASOG,
- Create the Administrative Committee of FLASOG , which will be integrated by the President or whoever he designates within the members of the Executive Committee; the Treasurer and the Administrative Director; Acting as Advisor, the Accounting Professional hired by FLASOG.
- Qualify the members of the Nominations Committee at the rate of one for each region, if possible giving preference to the last 4 presidents of FLASOG. In the event that one (s) of them cannot be incorporated, the Executive Committee will take steps to complete it by appointing a replacement.
- Post up to 3 (three) candidates to opt for the mention of Masters of Latin American Gynecology and Obstetrics, complying with the requirements established in number 4 of Article 65 of the Regulation.
- Appoint the Committees, Commissions or working groups according to the needs of FLASOG, prior request of candidates to the Affiliated National Societies.
- Organize the FLASOG Congress jointly with the Affiliate Institution chosen by the Assembly, as the venue for the Congress.
- Discuss, amend and approve the financial report relevant to his management.
- Satisfactorily receive the assets (documentary, technological, scientific and economic) generated by the previous Executive Committee, as well as the physical and real estate assets, by means of a Certificate of Delivery and in physical form within a maximum of 90 continuous days after the taking of possession. The details of this delivery will be specified in the Regulation
- . Prepare the Financial Statements (Balance Sheet, Income Statement) of FLASOG and have them available to present them at the Ordinary Meeting of the Assembly and at the Extraordinary Meetings when expressly specified in the call.
- Prepare an operating plan with their budget for each year they were elected.
- Convene an Ordinary Meeting of the Assembly. The Regulation specifies the details of form and agenda.
- Convene a Special Meeting of the Assembly when necessary.
- Submit a Balance Sheet and Income Statement report at the end of their term to the incoming Executive Committee no later than 90 calendar days after the end of their term. Including the updated inventory of equipment, furniture and other assets of FLASOG.
17. Update and take responsibility for the proper functioning of the FLASOG website and social networks and make emphasis on the dissemination and use of the same to encourage their visit or as an organ of disclosure of academic and other information related to the specialty.
18. Receive, analyze and decide on the incorporation of Adherent members. If the institution is accepted, must submit a presentation for consideration at the next Meeting of the Assembly for its evaluation and definitive resolution.
Sole paragraph : the Executive Committee will delegate to one of its members the responsibility of managing the web and other means of communication, to act in coordination with the Institutional Communication Committee of FLASOG. Likewise, you must designate the Editorial Committee of the journal, when it (s) exists (n). The Regulation will specify what corresponds to this matter.
Article 26. Of the functions and duties of the President
- Direct and assume responsibility for all acts of FLASOG Exercise the legal and social representation of FLASOG.
- Chair the FLASOG Congress
- Convene, together with the Secretary, the meetings of the Executive Committee and the Assembly, as well as chair and direct said meetings.
- Sign with the Secretary the minutes of the meetings of the Assembly and the Executive Committee, as well as the agreements, diplomas and correspondence.
- Prepare and present a report of the period of management of the Executive Committee.
- Act as ex officio member of the different Committees
- Authorize and order the expenses of FLASOG in common agreement with the Treasurer.
- Chair the Foundation or the institution that represents the legal and economic interests of FLASOG.
Article 27. Of the functions and duties of the Vice President
- Participate as ex officio member of all FLASOG Committees.
- Substitute the functions of the President of the Executive Committee in his temporary or permanent absence.
- Comply with specific functions assigned by the Executive Committee.
Article 28. Of the functions and duties of the Secretary
- Convene, together with the President, the Meetings of the Executive Committee and the Assembly, as well as the Committees when necessary, and prepare the agenda
- Prepare minutes of each session of the Executive Committee, signed by all its members, as well as of the Assembly Meetings, and send these to the affiliated institutions within the following month.
- Keep all the minutes of the FLASOG sessions available for all activities.
- Maintain a permanent record and report correspondence sent and received
- Prepare and communicate the agenda of each Meeting of the Assembly with the established forecast
- Keep the FLASOG minutes file up to date, which will be delivered to the incoming Executive Committee at the end of its term, a maximum of 90 continuous days after taking office.
7. Exercise the proper functions of Protocol of the Inaugural Session and Closing Session of the Congress, the which will be specified in the Regulation.
8. Replace the President Elect or the Vice President or the Treasurer in case of temporary absence of the themselves, without prejudice to their functions.
Article 29. Of the functions and duties of the Treasurer
- Prepare and present financial report of FLASOG before the Executive Committee and the Assembly Meetings or at the time requested.
- Verify that each affiliated Institution is up to date with its annual fees and report to the Executive Committee on compliance with them in order to validate its accreditation at the Assembly Meeting.
- Be part of the FLASOG Administrative Committee.
- Coordinate and supervise administrative and financial functions of the Administrative Director.
- Authorize and order the expenses of FLASOG in common agreement with the President.
- Act as Treasurer in the Foundation or the institution that represents the economic interests of FLASOG
- Replace the Secretary in the event of his temporary absence, without prejudice to his duties.
Article 30. Of the functions and duties of the Elected President
Actively participate with the right to voice and vote in the planning and decisions of the Executive Committee.
Article 31.
Of the functions and duties of the outgoing President
Actively participate with the right to speak and vote, advising and cooperating with the Executive Committee.
Article 32. The Executive Committee enables the Nominations Committee, the Local Organizing Committee of the Congress (COL) proposed by the Affiliated Institution of the host country and others of a permanent or temporary nature. Its integration, functions and obligations will be determined in the Regulation.
First paragraph : The President and Vice President of the Executive Committee are ex officio members of all FLASOG Committees.
Second paragraph : The Scientific Director and the respective Committee coordinate the academic activities of the Congress and other academic activities of FLASOG.
Third paragraph : the Nominations Committee and the Scientific Committee must have a representative from each Region indicated in Article 8 of this Statute.
Article 33. FLASOG is a non-profit institution, its assets will be administered by a Foundation created to meet its objectives.
Article 34. Its patrimony will be constituted by donations, fees from Affiliated institutions, Associated institutions, subsidies, trusts, endorsements, contributions, legacies and all movable or immovable property required to fulfill its objectives and duties.
Article 35. The ordinary annual fee to be paid by each affiliated institution, Associated institutions, Society, Association, College or Federation, will be proposed by the Executive Committee and approved by the Ordinary or Extraordinary Meeting of the Assembly.
Article 36. The regular annual fee must be paid promptly during the first quarter of each year. Compliance with this obligation will be governed by the Regulations.
Article 37. Failure to pay an ordinary or extraordinary fee will automatically suspend the Affiliated or Adherent institution, be it a Society, College, Association or Federation, and its members, respectively, from the collective and individual services and benefits to which they are entitled and will be restored once the corresponding debt has been paid.
Article 38. All income received by FLASOG and its assets will be used exclusively for the fulfillment of its objectives and duties.
Article 39. Travel expenses and other representation expenses
Applying for a management or administration position in FLASOG is an act of volunteering, and being elected or appointed to said position constitutes the highest honor that a Latin American gynecologist-obstetrician can aspire to in the scientific-union order. Therefore, occupying it has an absolutely “ad-honorem” character. Any amount received for travel expenses, accommodation, compensation, transportation, etc., cannot be considered salary, since there is no employment relationship and it constitutes a labor exception.
Sole paragraph : the compensation for these expenses will be specified in the Regulation.
Article 40. Latin American Congresses of Obstetrics and Gynecology
The Latin American Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology is the most important scientific meeting of the institution. It will seek an active exchange of opinions, stimulating research, assistance and teaching of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Latin America with a critical evaluation criterion.
First paragraph : This Congress will be held every three years and the organization will be the responsibility of the Executive Committee of FLASOG together with the Affiliated Institution of the host country and the Local Organizing Committee.
Second Paragraph : The institutions affiliated to FLASOG undertake not to hold or sponsor national or regional Congresses or Conferences the two months before and the month after the FLASOG Congress. And likewise not to carry it out simultaneously with it in another country, unless an Ordinary or Extraordinary Meeting of the Assembly authorizes otherwise.
Third paragraph : The host country may not hold its Congress or National Day 6 months before or after the FLASOG Congress.
Article 41. Venue of the FLASOG Congress : Countries that meet the requirements proposed in the Regulations may aspire to the Venue of a Latin American Congress.
Article 42. The Ordinary Meeting of the Assembly by simple majority of votes of the delegates present, will elect the Headquarters and the alternate Headquarters of the subsequent Congress. For this purpose, the Nominations Committee will submit to it the list of institutions that have expressed, by written request and during the stipulated period, their interest in hosting the Congress and have complied with all the requirements stipulated in the Statute and Regulations of the Congress. FLASH.
First paragraph : The alternate Headquarters will be activated by resignation of the official Headquarters or by decision of the Executive Committee of FLASOG when it finds lack of compliance with the stipulated conditions.
Paragraph two : The Alternate Venue will have at least one year to prepare the Congress, counted from the moment in which it is notified in writing that it must assume its realization.
Article 43. Considerations for the election and ratification of the venues
The Assembly will take into consideration:
- That the Congresses should be held alternately in the northern and southern zones; in turn alternately in its four regions.
- Compliance by the institution Affiliated to FLASOG that aspires to hold the Congress, of all the obligations and duties established in the Statute and its Regulations
Sole paragraph : the consideration and ratification of the Site of the following Congress and its alternate Site will be made in the Ordinary Meeting that precedes its realization.
Article 44. In the Congress, the diplomas of Teachers of the Latin American Obstetrics and Gynecology and the FLASOG awards will be delivered, in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations.
Article 45. FLASOG courses (Postgraduate; Pre and Transcongress)
Their objective will be the theoretical and practical improvement of Latin American Obstetricians and Gynecologists as well as the professionals who collaborate with them and will be developed in each Latin American Congress of FLASOG and in other opportunities in the opinion of the Executive Committee of the same (virtual, face-to-face, etc.). Its structure will be planned by the Scientific Director of FLASOG through the Committee that he coordinates and previously submitted for consideration by the Executive Committee.
Article 46. Credits and Certification
The academic activities of FLASOG will grant credits and may be considered in the certification and recertification of the specialty according to the legislation of each country.
Article 47. The Regulation and its Annexes constitute the operational guide for FLASOG .
Article 48. The modification of the Regulation must be proposed by the Executive Committee or at least one third of the Affiliated institutions. Its consideration and voting may be done at an Ordinary or Extraordinary Meeting of the Assembly and its approval requires a simple majority of votes present.
Article 49. The modification of the Statute must be proposed by the Executive Committee or at least one third of the Affiliated institutions. For its consideration, an Extraordinary Meeting of the Assembly will be convened and for its approval, the favorable vote of two thirds of the accredited delegates present will be required.
Article 50. The project for the Modification of the Statute and/or Regulation must be sent to the Affiliated Institutions at least 15 (fifteen) continuous days prior to the holding of the corresponding Assembly Meeting.
Article 51. The duration of FLASOG is indefinite , its dissolution can only be approved by at least 90 percent of the affiliated Institutions present at the Ordinary or Extraordinary Meeting of the Assembly.
First paragraph : if its dissolution is agreed, the Assembly will designate three delegates, commissioned to proceed with the liquidation of its assets according to the instructions that it gives them.
Paragraph two : Your assets must go to charitable Latin American institutions.
Article 52. In exceptional situations, in which reasons of force majeure such as: catastrophes; health crises, severe regional or global conflicts, prevent the Congress from being held in person on the scheduled date and place or that it must be postponed or canceled definitively for the same reasons, the Executive Committee must convene an Extraordinary Meeting of the Assembly to expose the existing circumstances and request authorization to convene in virtual mode the Ordinary Meeting of the Assembly corresponding to said Congress, complying with all the requirements established for this purpose in the Statute and Regulations.
Sole paragraph: This Extraordinary Meeting of the Assembly will evaluate the logistical conditions proposed by the Executive Committee for the virtual realization of the Ordinary Meeting and will decide according to the technology and conditions existing at that time, including a virtual voting system that ensures a reliable and transparent process both for casting votes and counting them.
Article 53. In situations of exception or in which for reasons of force majeure such as catastrophes; health crises; severe regional or global conflicts, etc., the Extraordinary Meeting of the Assembly cannot be held in person, the Executive Committee is authorized to hold it in virtual mode, and must comply with all the requirements established for that purpose in the Statute and Regulations .
Article 54. What is not foreseen in this Statute may be resolved by the majority of the Executive Committee, but maintained ad referendum to be analyzed, discussed and ratified or rectified by the next Ordinary or Extraordinary Meeting of the Assembly, to whose consideration the matter must be submitted.
Temporary Provision: Given the current exceptional situation generated by the COVID 19 Pandemic and in view of the lack of a clear medium-term resolution of the aforementioned Pandemic, this Extraordinary Meeting of the Assembly authorizes the Executive Committee to convene virtual to the Ordinary Meeting of the Assembly, corresponding to the XXIII Latin American Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology. This Provision is only valid for this occasion. And for this, the following operating parameters are approved:
- Its integration, call, installation and agenda will be done as established by the Statute in its articles 17, 19 and 20, as well as the Regulation in its articles 6,7,9,10,11,12 and 13.
- It will be carried out through Virtual Presence, except for this opportunity only with the Cuban Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, which on this occasion if it cannot obtain face-to-face communication via the internet, will be allowed by exception to vote. by email, due to the difficulties of access to the different virtual platforms that they have in their country and that are public knowledge.
- The voting system that is safer, more transparent and practical from the operational point of view for the development of voting will be evaluated with the company selected as the provider of technical services for the development of the Ordinary Meeting of the Assembly in virtual mode. of the delegates as well as the counting of the votes.
- A WhatsApp group will be created as an alternative voting system and exclusive use for delegates, in those exceptional cases in which, due to insurmountable technical problems or reasons beyond their control, they have been disconnected from the session and cannot exercise their vote, and so they can do so by this means and be considered for the scrutiny of the corresponding vote.
- To cast their vote by WhatsApp, the delegate must identify themselves with their name, surname and the country they represent. And you will have a maximum of 10 minutes to wait from the moment the voting ended.
- All this information must be sent in advance to each of the Affiliate Members (National Societies), and the Company must carry out all the necessary technical tests with each of the Delegates to ensure their participation in the Assembly Meeting, as well as also fully know the handling of the voting system to be used.
This Statute comes into force as of Saturday, December 12, 2020, the date on which it was unanimously approved, in an Extraordinary Meeting of the Assembly expressly convened for its modification, held Virtually and which took place in two sessions, the first on Tuesday, November 10 , 2020, with the participation and presence of the official delegates of the following Affiliated Institutions: Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela. Argentina (present with voice and without vote).
Completing the development of the Assembly, after a recess (intermediate quarter) until Saturday, December 12, 2020, with the participation and presence of the official delegates of the following Affiliated Institutions: Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. Argentina (present with voice and without vote).
For the Final Writing and Style Commission
Dr. Néstor Garello Dr. Alfonso Arias Dr. José De Gracia