


Since the beginning of the existence of humanity, it has been characterized by living in community and staying in communication. This is how we humans have the tendency to group together to live together and maintain the things of our relationships in common.

As the towns and cities develop, the creation of related groups appears for common interests, whether they are work, cultural, sports or political.

The medical professional, although it is true that, he usually practices alone; It is more frequent and necessary every day to create groups with common denominators, such as the place of work or the type of specialty to which it is dedicated.

The call to communicate and share the knowledge of the specialty is what motivates the creation of organizations, as is the case of our Latin American Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology Societies (FLASOG). Since 1952 with the First Latin American Congress in Buenos Aires, the commitment to hold regular meetings of all members who can attend the country that is chosen as the venue begins. So far, 22 FLASOG congresses have been held in different venues in Latin America. This way of maintaining scientific exchange communications every day becomes more difficult to carry out and as the term now established by statute is every 3 years, it is necessary to maintain more fluid and frequent communication with other communication tools.

This is how the intention of the printed magazine appears at first, for distribution in the different countries (1993), which is very onerous for the federation and for the associations. As this type of communication is not viable and with the advent of the new millennium and the appearance of electronic communication, our first FLASOG web page is born, very rudimentary, due to not having a budget and only with the disinterested collaboration and friendship of The German pharmaceutical house Schering was able to keep that page current for several years and until it was able to get a budget and hire a professional team that has built what we today make available to our membership to all obstetricians – gynecologists in Latin America and the world.

To nurture the page and keep it current and attractive, the participation of all National Societies and their members is necessary, contributing informational, scientific and cultural material from each country that could be of interest to those who visit the page.

Ideally, when visiting the FLASOG web page, you can find recent and interesting scientific information, find out about the local conferences in each country and even the names and addresses of colleagues so that those who want to communicate can do so by obtaining that information online. this way, or if it is not on the page, in our physical offices in Panama.

FLASOG currently makes its website, social networks, FLASOG Gynecology Magazine, the Bulletin, blogs, videos, etc. available to everyone; as well as all the electronic tools, services and products that have been designed by Alianza FLASOG so that we can use them. Let us participate by sending scientific works, communications, news and activities of the Societies of the specialty in the continent, FLASOG has put the most effective contemporary platform to spread our achievements and we must use it.



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