Message from the President: Happy holidays and prosperous 2024
Dear Latin American Associations and Societies in Gynecology and Obstetrics.
It is a pleasure and an honor to address you at the end of this year to convey our enthusiasm and commitment to you and to all the specialists of Latin America who are part of your societies.
In these first months of management we have tried to take the first steps towards what will be our work 2023-2026. We made a first diagnosis of the institutional situation, and based on the established strategic planning, we were already able to form the 24 Committees with the proposals of applicants that you made and with which we will develop all the activities of FLASOG in this period. We hope in our first meeting of the Executive Committee to be held in February 2024 to have all the work plans of each of them and thus begin with the various academic activities, professional development, health promotion and education, as well as those related to organizational and administrative development.
We have already introduced some changes in the Administration that will undoubtedly result in a more efficient institution with better results.
We are regulating everything related to the various organizations that have and will have a link with FLASOG. It is of great interest to continue with the policies of strategic alliances that enhance the fulfillment of FLASOG’s objectives. In this sense, we will promote in a comprehensive manner the health of women and the product of their conception, their welfare and their rights, as well as support the scientific, academic, teaching, ethical, trade union and social legal progress of Obstetrics and Gynecology. We will work to improve the academic quality of the various products and services offered by FLASOG.
Through the work plans of the committees we will continue in the line of contributing with training and education of our specialists, not only through conferences, Webinars, but also with the delivery of programs that promote the skills that the modern world demands.
There are many challenges and learning to come for 2024, but we are convinced that united through FLASOG it will be possible to achieve what we set out to do.
Finally, and on behalf of the Executive Committee, we would like to wish you and your families our best wishes for peace, prosperity and fraternity this Christmas and New Year.

Dr. Luis Hernández Guzmán