The vast majority of our teachers have self-trained as teachers and their selection is given by different mechanisms, their presentations in courses and conferences are done in a way that we could call traditional. In no time of humanity have information and knowledge been available to everyone as at the present time with the possibility of updating ourselves in practically all fields of knowledge. We have multiple options, many of them online and free; which gives the teacher the non-exclusivity of knowledge, which generates new challenges so that his interventions are attractive and impactful among his students, especially when this process is carried out among peers.
Teachers must have sufficient elements to address the issues with a new approach; they require a different profile than the one used in recent decades, we must broaden our vision, find interdisciplinary ways within the content we teach.
Let’s just ask ourselves, who among our teachers has formal training in Andragogy? On the other hand, teacher self-training, although it responds directly to the interests of teachers, is a complex resource but it is no longer necessary to wait for our educational institutions to generate courses, diplomas and other training actions in order to update ourselves.
A useful teaching strategy is the approach of current issues of common interest, confined to reality and of immediate applicability in the professional work environment; but developing or strengthening skills at the same time to real work groups, that is interdisciplinary, in this new global context, this approach to academic content has become a necessity, otherwise our human teams will not be prepared to perform in an environment that is increasingly complex. The student himself naturally identifies it, which is why he is so successful with the implementation of workshops and drills in his daily areas of performance. Today in the area of gynecology and especially obstetrics,
Distance and massive training is no longer the future, it is part of the present; It can be affirmed that this teaching-learning modality requires not only technological support and interconnectivity, but also appropriate teaching materials and permanent teaching updating that allows teachers to develop special skills to successfully impart this type of teaching.
It is always good to remember that the objective of our interventions as teachers is the acquisition of sustained knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies that generate a change in professional conduct, in their environment and that ultimately impacts the care and well-being of our Latin American women.
Dr. Paulo Meade Treviño Coordinator of the FLASOG Maternal Health Committee