-DRA. DIANA GALIMBERTI The FLASOG Sexual and Reproductive Rights Committee aims to promote in each member society the creation, if there were none, of local committees with clear objectives and to make an epidemic, such as gender-based violence, which takes away years of healthy life for the woman and her family, she can have help to […]
-DR. XAVIER AGUIRRE OSETE I remember in my college years in the 1970s, getting a medical item was an adventure. The latter began with going to the library of the large hospitals, consulting the “index medicus” that great book larger than those of the Royal Academy of Language and that was not leafless, and being lucky to […]
DR. JORGE MENDEZ TRUJEQUE “Getting together is the beginning, staying together is progress, working as a team is success.”Henry Ford Teamwork implies a group of people who are organized in a certain way to achieve a common goal. It’s that easy, but how difficult it is to make it happen. During our medical training we were taught anatomy, […]
– DR. ANTONIO PERALTA SÁNCHEZ The simple questioning already implies an axiological conflict of really being able to measure or quantify the value of something valuable per se, and the answer would seem obvious: a lot, everything. Or isn’t life perhaps the reason for being a doctor? Or were not all the efforts of the forgers […]
– DR. NÉSTOR CÉSAR GARELLO Undoubtedly, the evolution of institutions is directly related to the planning and capacity of their leadership. For us physicians, who have been linked for years to the societies that bring together scientific, academic and professional interests in the different specialties, this reality poses a great challenge. Until not long ago, […]
– DR. PAULO MEADE TREVIÑO The vast majority of our teachers have self-trained as teachers and their selection is given by different mechanisms, their presentations in courses and conferences are done in a way that we could call traditional. In no time of humanity have information and knowledge been available to everyone as at the present […]
– DR. SAMUEL KARCHMER The first message contained in this writing is a tribute of recognition, admiration and identification to those who conceived and founded FLASOG; to those who preceded us in leadership positions at the head of their government, keeping the flame of faith alive and to those who have honestly added their merits and […]